Scouting Revival

If you want your son to grow into a tough-minded, competent, and patriotic American, where do you send him? School? Church? Athletics? In times past you might send him to the wilderness to learn, explore, and master himself. What has become of this tradition?The MissionRevive scouting and raise a generation of competent young men worthy to inherit our civilization.The scouting movement pioneered by Robert Baden-Powell in the early 20th century proved for a time to be an effective mechanism for growing character and instilling civic virtue in the youth of nations. Presently, American cultural institutions from public schools to BSA (Boy Scouts of America) tasked with raising future generations have wandered astray and failed. This observation is commonplace, but pointing out the problem is no solution. The solution is not reform, it is revival. Education is crumbling, the social fabric is fraying, and something must fill the gap.What will boys do with their time and attention during this seemingly endless summer of the remote-learning future? And beyond?Nietzsche writes of the close connection between the perfection of the individual and the nation… the beginning of this perfection should not be a mid-life awakening (though better late than never), but in childhood. It starts with the youth, the gang of boys.A generation of strong, grounded, competent boys is a strong, grounded, competent nation, ten years removed.Do nothing, and ideological indoctrination wins the war for the next generation of American minds. Revive scouting, and you pit the schoolmarm’s classroom drudgery against the appeal of the woods and playground. Perennial values of the American Frontier learned through action and real-world adventure will triumph.Our vision is to cultivate greatness in our American youth through a Scouting Revival. Our design will be a decentralized franchise network comprised of local units organizing groups that, in short, do hard things in the woods. We plan to draw on the knowledge and best practices of wilderness programs, summer camps, the military, and previous scouting movements to create a best-in-class experiential learning framework. Brief thread on the strategy we might pursue. There is much more to come.Can we have something up and running by Summer 2022? With your help, yes.What’s at stake? A generation of American Minds. Will you take part?

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